Miglas products are manufactured from quality materials and finishes and when properly handled, installed and maintained, will give many years of quality service. This information is only a guide, please contact Miglas, your builder or architect for more detailed information.

All Miglas timber products are coated with an oil based wood preservative. This treatment only provides temporary protection of the timber for a period of 4 to 6 weeks. A quality timber finish or paint system must be applied to the timber following the relevant manufacturers' specifications and the finish applied to all surfaces and edges. This surface finish coating should then be maintained in good condition on both internal and any external faces. This can be achieved by regular cleaning with non-abrasive cleaners and re-coating if the finish deteriorates. We do not recommend the use of mild steel fasteners as these can result in permanent stains on the timber. Please refer to the care and maintenance instructions from the relevant coating manufacturer for detailed instructions on the care of your finish.
It is recommended that the glass be protected from contamination by building materials and methods during the storage and construction as this will greatly simplify the glass cleaning at the end of the project. If the glass is not protected during the construction it should be cleaned frequently. Glass should be cleaned by only using cleaning materials that are free from grit, dust, and debris (to avoid scratching and marking of the glass surface). Only mild detergents and cleaning solutions that are recommended for cleaning glass should be used. High-performance glass, coated and toughened glass require special care and we recommend that the detailed instructions of the glass manufacturer be followed. We can supply copies of the manufacturer’s information or a link to the manufacturer’s website for more detailed instruction.
The seals are typically the area of a window that will suffer the most damage from lack of maintenance and care. Failure of seals and gaskets can compromise the integrity of the entire window system. The first, and most vital step, is to ensure that during the painting process the seals are not contaminated with paints, stains or other coatings as these will make seals brittle, stiff, and not function as intended. Ensure there is no debris build-up in the window profiles that will cause uneven contact on seals and in sliding applications that the tracks are clear and free from debris.
In sliding applications, it is recommended that talcum powder be applied as a friction modifier if required to ensure the door slides smoothly and freely.
Where seals become damaged, brittle, or in poor condition please contact Miglas about sourcing replacement products.
Think of the external powder coating like the paint condition on your car, It is important that cleaning and maintenance is done regularly. Dirt, grime and airborne salt deposits from the atmosphere are often capable of causing damage to the coating surface and must be regularly removed. It is recommended that cleaning be done routinely at a maximum interval of 12 months. Particular attention should be paid to the cleaning interval in coastal and other corrosive environments and areas subject to atmospheric fallout. In the cleaning process, the following should be noted:
Never use harsh liquid chemicals, abrasive cleaners or wire wool.
Cleaning should be done with a dilute solution of a mild detergent in warm water. Avoid excessively hot solutions.
Use a soft bristle brush or similar to clean the surface. Do not use abrasives on the coating.
After cleaning, rinse the surface thoroughly with fresh water.
Do not use strong solvent type cleaners on the coating.
Where necessary, the only solvents recommended are methylated spirits, white spirits or isopropanol and ensure that the contact time is minimal and that the solvent is thoroughly rinsed from the surface. A small test area in a non-obvious location should be checked before solvent cleaning to ensure no damage to film or colour will occur. Where more aggressive cleaning is required, a mild abrasive such as a quality automotive cream polish, used in accordance with the manufacturers’ instruction, may be necessary.
More information on care and maintenance can be found on the Dulux powders website;
The hardware should be inspected at least once a year (or more subject to the environment) and cleared of dirt and grime. Particular attention should be given to cleaning dirt from slides in window hinges and the tracks from doors where the rollers glide. Clean water should be used to flush the hardware clean. A mild detergent water mixture can be used to loosen stubborn dirt, always rinse with clean water and allow complete drying before lubricating with a suitable product such as WD40, Inox or CRC.