At Miglas we pride ourselves on our quality of product and aim to exceed industry standards.
An important part of our development was to ensure our Aliclad system is bushfire resistant for all attacks up to and including BAL-40 without the need for external shutters
The Miglas AliClad system was the first fully tested bushfire window and door range in Australia. Testing was conducted at Exova Warrington Dandenong Victoria, a NATA accredited laboratory and exceeded AS 1530.8.1:2007 to comply with the requirements of AS 3959: 2009. This means the system is a complete bushfire resistant solution for all bushfire attack levels up to and including BAL-40 without the need for external shutters.
The unique Australian-designed and manufactured composite double glazed window system protects from ember attack and close proximity fire. The Miglas AliClad window system is specially designed to minimise the transfer of radiant heat from a bushfire to the inside of your home. Interestingly, when compared to a single glazed bushfire rated window this provides a result that is approximately 10 times more effective. By reducing the radiant heat transfer there is not only protection for combustible materials such as curtains and furniture, but it also offers further protection to the occupants’.
Many locations where bushfires are a concern are commonly associated with superb views. Understanding this Miglas have tested windows and doors to sizes much larger than those required by the Australian Standards. This means the Miglas Aliclad product allows you to build your home with bushfire safety and easily meet the increasing energy efficiency requirements without compromising design allowing any glazing element to reach 6m2 (over twice what is allowed in standard tested windows).
Regulations for new construction in Bushfire prone areas require assessment for Bushfire attack levels (BAL). Call Miglas today for more information.